Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Forecast changes again - Models now unite *against* snow

Well, the idea was nice while it lasted. I'm beginning to wonder if a big snow storm is in the cards this year - every time a storm comes up from the south, warm air seems to dominate the scene. The exception was the November 21st storm. Every storm since has carried far too much warm air to produce much snow in southeast Michigan. The north and the snowbelts, of course, are a different story, and that looks to be the case again with this particular storm, with 3-6 inches likely in the northern counties of lower Michigan.

The big wildcard is of course the chance of freezing rain that the latest NAM run is putting out for central lower MI. From this image, it looks like a fairly decent chance. I'll keep watching as the situation progresses and hopefully things will get more clear by tomorrow.

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