Thursday, January 28, 2016

Temperatures could rise as high as 55° in some parts of Michigan on Wednesday

A couple rounds of precipitations will be on track for Michigan this week. The first will be Monday, at which time a moderate disturbance will pass through. Right now temperatures continue to look like they'll be well above freezing, which should lead to rain being the main precipitation mode. Most of the moisture with this system looks to be in the warm sector, so it's likely that the rain will be well over by the time colder temps on the back side of the storm begin to build in.

The second storm looks to arrive Wednesday, and it's going to be bringing some potentially remarkable weather with it.

GFS forecast for 1:00AM EST Wednesday
The most amazing thing about this to me is the timing. The GFS is predicting that this storm will arrive in the early to mid morning hours of Wednesday. Normally, temperatures at those times are our daily lows, but the model is predicting temperatures in the 50s - possibly even 55°+ in some parts of extreme SE lower Michigan. Obviously, this is going to mean snow is pretty much out, and I wouldn't even rule out a rumble of thunder. A multi-day severe weather event looks to be on deck in the south due to these systems, which means that this storm is going to suck up ample moisture and warm air from the Gulf of Mexico.

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