Friday, November 20, 2015

Don't forget your furry friends this weekend

With this looking to be the first major storm of the year, a lot of people tend to forget about the members of our family who are most vulnerable to such events: our animals.

Six inches or more of new snow, plummeting temperatures, wind chills and the like can all cause great harm to dogs, especially early in the season. If you have a dog which you keep outside, consider bringing them in on Saturday/Sunday, and expose them to the cold though short durations of play and exercise as to get them used to it. If it's impossible to bring them in, at the very least make sure they have a warm, enclosed place to stay with plenty of fabrics, and plenty of extra food and water to help them stay energized and hydrated. Cats are also vulnerable to exposure, so if you have an indoor/outdoor feline friend, consider keeping them in this weekend. For those who have feral or barn kitties, consider getting/making a small enclosure with blankets and food for them to use if one doesn't already exist.

Regardless, don't forget to restock pet supplies today if it looks like you're running low, as a weekend trip to the store should probably be avoided if possible. More info on how the weather can impact your pets here, here and here.

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