Thursday, November 5, 2015

Friday's SPC outlook includes 5% chance of severe thunderstorms

Sidenote: My apologies for the improper date on the thunderstorm outlook - I only just now realized it said 11/03!

Friday is looking more and more like a stormy morning for Michigan. The warm sector of the quickly strengthening low pressure system is fast approaching and should be here by Thursday night. In the morning, the cold front will punch through, bringing the rain and thunder.

My thinking is still that timing is going to temper the severity of any storms that form. Temperatures should only reach the low 60s by the time the front approaches, which will limit already meager instability. The winds aloft will definitely be able to compensate, but still, storms won't be anywhere near as strong as they could be if the cold front were to plow through during the afternoon hours.

After the front passes, expect typical Michigan fall temperatures to return with a vengeance. Temperatures will struggle to reach 50° in most areas on Saturday. By Sunday morning, lows could even dip below freezing.

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