Thursday, February 4, 2016

Next storm to be clipper system which should bring 2-4 inches of snow to most of Michigan, more to U.P.

The U.P. and northern lower peninsula will be the primary target of the next storm system, which will be an Alberta Clipper and should arrive between February 8th and 10th. Right now, both the GFS and ECMWF models are in pretty close agreement in terms of timing, with the GFS trending just a bit faster and having the storm begin arrive a bit earlier on the evening of the 7th. Regardless, the primary precip-type should be snow this time around, as low-level air will be well below freezing and surface temperatures should be between 28-32 degrees in most areas. Some areas may see surface temperatures above freezing, but I doubt it will have any impact on precipitation type or even snow accumulation.

Expect temperatures to take an absolute nose-dive in the wake of this storm, to levels approaching points not seen since the coldest days of last year and the year before. The good news is this won't last long, as temperatures should climb back out of the vortex after Valentine's Day.

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