Thursday, February 25, 2016

Next Wednesday/Thursday - Potential Deja Vu

Enough is enough, Old Man

Running on 20 minutes of sleep, I'm not going to get wordy or go that far in depth. I'm just going to post the pictures and hope the fact that this is a week out will allow its projected strength/track change, because we don't need another round of those winds. 

Last two GFS runs (this morning's and last night's):

ECMWF comes in a day later, but definitely not a dollar shorter:

GFS projected snowfall totals (very early, very unreliable) from this morning and last night: 

I love snow. I love storms. I don't love power outages and wind damage. I know it kinda goes hand in hand sometimes, but I do like a bit of space between events. It is what it is, and maybe it's for the best considering that the first half of winter spoiled us so rotten. I definitely would take half a dozen of these storms before another long stretch of -20s/-30s windchills.

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