Sunday, June 26, 2016

Shocked beyond all measure - The storms skip us once again

I just have no words left for this. I never anticipated that storms would completely skip the Mid Michigan area once again. Everything - every model - put storms in our area right around now. Unfortunately the cold front moved a bit faster, and now the forcing for ascent is to the east of our location.

This frustrates me to the point where I don't even know what to say. I was very wrong about this forecast and I can't figure out Mother Nature at all right now. I am thinking we may be looking at a major drought this year at this point. Our only salvation this week may arrive Friday, but it doesn't look that impressive and with the fizzling of this one - one that looked so promising - any optimism I have left is gone. Next week paints the picture of widespread rain and storms, too, but again, it's all a crapshoot at this point.

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