Sunday, March 20, 2016

Euro and GFS exchange positions in forecast - ECMWF now calls for HEAVY SNOW EVENT on Thursday

If I could pick a word to sum up the latest run of the ECMWF, it would be, "F*ck."

Yeah. That's a picture of the Old Man taking one large (hopefully last) March dump on the greater portion of Mid Michigan. If this forecast were to verify, look for a repeat of March 1st.

Strangely enough, however, the ECMWF and GFS have completely reversed positions since my last post. We're talking Yin and Yang opposites - take a look at where the latest GFS is predicting the center of the storm to track, and what it's calling for in terms of temperatures:

If this forecast were to verify, not only would snow be out of the question for pretty much the entirety of lower Michigan, but we'd have temperatures approaching 60° along with the potential for thunderstorms.

Mark Torregrossa put it best. This is going to be a war between Old Man Winter and Lady Spring. Whoever wins out will have their day.

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