Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Raw, unedited photos from yesterday's storms

The storms that blew through my back yard yesterday were among the most beautiful and stunning that I've ever photographed.  Brief areas of broad rotation also lead to something I've yet to capture until now - a wall cloud.  Note that none of these storms were severe warned (the one with the wall cloud probably would've been had I called it in, but I did not feel that it was a real threat), but they definitely had some gusty winds.  Later I plan on uploading a video or two which should highlight that.

Below is the reward of skywatching.  Enjoy!

Just to give a scope on the size of the storm.  Anvil to the right, invisible as it is too high.  Flanking line to the center/left.

Looking up at the flanking line from the southeast.

Shelf cloud behind the windmills.

More of the shelf cloud.

Shelf cloud again, with rainshaft in background.

Shelf cloud/rain shaft.


Shelf cloud from a different angle.

Coming up on the shelf cloud.


Even closer.

There it is - rotating wall cloud to the left, and almost looks like the beginnings of a funnel.

Another angle of the wall cloud.

Getting right up on this thing.  Almost due east of it, looking west at it.  Rain to the north/east begins to interfere with my view quickly.

Final picture.  Video of it coming soon.

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